Just to put things into perspective: A few years ago a Ming Vase sold for 10.3 million US dollars.

Webispode Family Fun as Alexia Justine Murray and family transform themselves into a different family every month. Documenting the activities a multi-tasking mom and a burnt-out pop, cooky costumes, home-made sets, a ridiculously busy doorbell, a slow burning soup on the stove, surreptitious sibling rivalry and a lot of barking. This is the story of the making of our family's yearly calendar
July ep 11- The Big Bang Returns
Copyright (c) 2009 2 kids and a dog . All rights reserved.
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Hey, Alexia, I know a place in Naples where you can buy a replica for just 10 euros: if you need a fake, Naples has just about anything you want, even a fake husband that your mother can kill when if she should ever find out about the vase... :-)
Jean Paul
Jean Paul, thanks for the tip. Very interesting. Very valuable.
Alexia, the Mom
Great Video....Any responses to these comments?
Hi Lisa,
Thanks and glad you're enjoying the vids!
Alexia, the Mom
Wow. If it's really valuable, why would someone put it exposed like that? Can't wait to see what happens...
Our dog chewed up a rug at a rental house this summer, and I was stressed out from that. But it wasn't a Ming rug.
I like Nick's interaction with the camera person: "Why are you looking here? There's nothing here. No more."
Wait a minute... I just noticed that the actual picture for July is in a different setting. I guess you had to reshoot...
No...it's called photoshop!
Alexia, the Mom
Very funny, as always. Poor Nick.
What about poor me?
Alexia, the Mom
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